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Musee Marc Deydier, Cucuron

Small museum with Roman, neolithic & local cultural exhibits

featured in Sights & sites

This small museum can be found in the centre of Cucuron and houses the collection of a local photographer & prehistorian, Marc Deydier who lived from 1845 to 1920.

He was a self-taught lawyer with a passion for history and culture and collected thousands of photographs and artefacts which can be seen in the museum.

Some of the photographs show local life in the area including the various countryside activities and work that was carried out around the village.

2 euros entry. Guided tours 5 euros.

Visitor comments

  • “Beautiful little place” - Trip Advisor

When to come

The museum is open in June, July & August from Tuesday to Saturday, 09:30 to 12:30 and 15:00 to 18:00. It's also open on Sundays in July & August from 15:00 to 18:00.


Map of the surrounding area