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Vaison Danses, Vaison la Romaine
All types of dance are represented in this festival, held every summer
Vaison Danses is a dance festival that embraces many different types of dance, from ballet to contemporary, Latino and hip hop.
Dancers from all over the world showcase their traditional dances or modern versions of the same, and all performances are held in the fabulous Roman arena. It is now one of the largest dance festivals to take place in Provence.
The festival welcomes innovative dance companies from around the world which offer unusual and magic moments and dreamlike and poetic universes. Thus, over the years, the stage of the Vaison ancient theatre has welcomed famous international artists such as Maurice Béjart, Sylvie Guillem, Carolyn Carlson or Jiri Kilian, the Martha Graham Company, Blanca Li, Angelin Preljocaj, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui but also Philippe Decouflé's Company, Stomp or Pilobolus, and great discoveries such as Guyanese tap dance or Bale de Rua, not very well known in France then...
Visit the website to find this year's programme.
Theatre Antique