© Chateau Pesquie Vineyard
Grape picking experience at Château Pesquié, Mormoiron
Half day grape picking
Château Pesquié invites you to come and join the grape harvest for a half-day. From mid-September to mid-October (dates vary depending on the time of the grape harvest).
The programme is in two parts.
The first part includes a presentation about the estate, the appellation area, the grape harvester, picking, tasting the grapes etc. and a winemaker's picnic.
The second part takes place in the wine cellar with a presentation about the different techniques of wine making and vine growing (each stage is illustrated by tasting the juice), fermenting wines and wines in barrels.
Grape picking experience in French and English.
Booking is compulsory.
Over the centuries the château has passed through the hands of numerous lords and counts.
In more recent times the château has been owned by three generations of the Chaudière family, who have passionately produced wines on the estate. The current generation manage their vines according to the principles of biodynamics, converting to organic farming in the nineties, with its first certified organic plots dating from 2007.